UniHeat 72 Hour Shipping Warmer - Front of Packaging
UniHeat 72 Hour Shipping Warmer - Back of Packaging
UniHeat 72 Hour Shipping Warmer - Opened Pouch

UniHeat 72 Hr Shipping Warmers

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72 Hr stock has an expiration of 9/2027 or better.

These 72 hour shipping warmers are best for three shipments.  Remain patient as these heat packs can take 60 minutes to start generating noticeable heat.  UniHeat shipping warmers are the first designed especially for small pets, tropical plants and other temperature sensitive products.  

For best results it's important to open your shipping warmers well ahead of your intended pack out time.  This will give you amply time to make sure they activate properly.  During this time it's important to make sure your heat packs are properly staged as well.  We've found it's best to allow them to heat up in the shipping container you'll be using them in.  This will prevent your heat pack from coming into contact with any solid, cold surface which may cause your heat pack to stall out from heating up properly.

Once you've noticed that the heat pack is warming it's important to wrap them individually in newsprint.  Newsprint fosters the ideal environment for your heat packs to continue to rise towards their peak temperature.  Remember all heat packs need to breath in order to generate heat.  Newsprint provides a breathable barrier that will insure your heat pack ventilation holes do not become blocked once placed in the shipping containment. 

Finally be aware that shipping methods and requirements are going to vary in each shippers personal scenario.  In order to repeatably make successful shipments it is strongly recommended that each shipper performs trials test to establish safe procedure that is tailored to your own personal situation.

Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews
Gregory Sage
72 hr. Heat Packs

These are a staple of Select Aquatics, and have been dependable for over 15 years. Most will last well when stored for many months, and they provide comfortable heat levels in the box as they should. Greg Sage, select Aquatics

Stephen Asti
Great Heat Pack!

I've used these heat packs for a while now, and they fit my needs perfectly. I ship fish via USPS Priority mail, and it is the perfect length of time for the amount of time the shipments typically take. Also, my orders from are always shipped and arrive quickly!

Rainforest Aquarium
Gear product, excellent service

We have been working with Aquatic Packaging for over 4 years and never had any issues. They are very reliable, deliver a quality product and have excellent customer service.

Brandy Fonzi
Arrival on Time

Thank You, for your business.

Jenna Eichelberger
New Customer will be back

Highly reccomended!